Compare the Costs of Using Single-Use Bronchoscopes to Reusable Bronchoscopes in Your Facility
The Bronchoscope Cost Calculator is the easiest and simplest way to compare the costs of reusable and single-use bronchoscopes. With just a few questions, you can calculate your facility-specific cost per procedure.
The direct cost includes bronchoscopes, repairs, and reprocessing, which vary from facility to facility. The indirect cost includes the costs associated with cross-contamination and procedure delays. Ambu’s aScope Broncho is used in calculating the cost of single-use bronchoscopes.
Fields may contain pre-populated data as examples for users to reference when filling out the online calculator. Other fields, such as the Reprocessing and Annual Repair costs, contain data based on industry standards. These inputs are provided if you do not have these costs for your facility readily available when filling out the calculator.
The cost for reusable bronchoscope reprocessing services is based on published clinical studies and takes into consideration comprehensive guidelines for tracking and validating the cleaning process, the equipment, chemicals, and other materials used.
Sterilizing reusable bronchoscopes is a more expensive and more time-consuming method compared to High-Level Disinfection (HLD). This process requires 46 additional minutes compared to HLD, requires machines that are more expensive than Automatic Endoscope Reprocessors (AERs), and requires additional supplies such as sterilization trays, wraps, dust covers, sterilant, and chemical and biological indicators. If your facility uses a sterilization process, please contact us at for a customizable report that incorporates this additional direct cost.